
Hoger Instituut voor Verpleegkunde Sint Elisabeth (HIVSET), Turnout, Belgium

HIVSET is a secondary vocational and technical school in the rural area of Turnhout .

Started 60 years ago as a traditionally school for nursing, the school grow in the last 20 years to a campus where over 1000 pupils, students and trainees can follow a learning curriculum leading from 14 years old on towards all professions in social care, health and nursing, guided by a staff of 300 teachers and staff members.

Over 15% of the students and trainees at our school have specific needs: trainees at risk, often with a family background of social-economic exclusion and disadvantage. HIVSET has integrated in his mission to play a significant role to fight social exclusion in the region and organizes courses of ‘OKAN’: learning Dutch for migrants, and specific learning curricula ‘care worker’, ‘nursing’ and ‘introduction to the social sector’ for migrant students.

Working students are a significant part of our trainees, they can study in a specifically designed learning curriculum where training on the job is an essential part of the learning process. Qualitative mentoring and guidance of work based learning is a strong focus in all the vocational educational programs at the HIVSET campus.

HIVSET has elaborated a European Development Plan which enables the European mobility of students and staff members and strategical work as this partnership to be an integrated part of our strategical development plan 2018-2023. The results will be contained in our Quality handbook with EFQM as reference framework.

Expertise for the project:

– research and practice on ‘the learning ward’ as inspiring model for work based learning

– effective project management and guidance of the partners

– intensive contact with working partner as Psychiatric Centre Bethany.

Keski-Pohmjanmaan koulutusyhtymä (KPEDU), Kokkola, Finland

KPEDU – The Federation of Education in Central Ostrobothnia consists of 7 vocational schools and an adult education unit. We arrange vocational upper secondary education for young students (16-19 years) and for adults. Additionally we are an active partner in development projects and co-operate with working life in our region. Our main campus is in Kokkola, In the middle of Finland, by the sea. Part of our schools are in countryside.

We provide students with upper secondary vocational qualifications, with curricula developed in close co-operation with the working life. Our emphases have been selected so as to develop our education and training towards ever better vocational competence from local point of view, and to encourage students for further studies.

KPEDU is a group of schools giving vocational education:

 8 schools in 6 cities in Central Ostrobothnia, Finland

521 employees (56 % teachers)

4000 students yearly (2400 of them young students – 16-19 years old, 1600 adult students)

Expertise for the project:

– research and practice on coaching responsibility and entrepreneurship of students

– intensive contact with the psychiatric ward of the hospital Kiuru

Ledovec, z.s. (LEDOVEC), Ledce, Czech Republic

Ledovec is a NGO found in 2001. It provides community based multidisciplinary services for people mostly with mental illness. Its services include assertive community team, therapeutic workshops, sheltered living, supported education and employment, crisis line, day care centre, club house.

Ledovec contributes to the transformation of Czech psychiatric system in the region of Western Bohemia through building regional multidisciplinary teams and through destigmatizing events for wide public and especially at secondary and high schools. As one of pioneers of recovery oriented approach in Czech Ledovec offers certified trainings, workshops, seminars and internships on this topic.

Together with Clown-doctors Ledovec introduced unique social circus project “Circus Paciento in mental hospitals” and it has visited more than thirty mental health institutions with this project.

Ledovec employs about 40 professionals, including peer-workers with their own personal experience of mental illness. It provides longitudinal support to more than 100 clients and through short term services supports another about 100 clients every month.

Expertise for the project:

– research and practice on recovery oriented practice and language

– improving mental health curricula in health and social care schools

– cooperation with health faculty of West Bohemian University

– contact with NGO where the LARP experience is close to ‘the learning ward’ concept.

Social- og Sundhedsskolen Fyn, Odense, Denmark

Partner had to quit the partnership in this project due to big changes in the school in September 2019.

Social and health care College Funen educates social and health care helpers, assistants and pedagogic assistants. We are one of the largest colleges in Denmark, regarding social and health care and have departments on four different locations on Funen.

The college provides introductory modules covering the social and health care area, as well as child care. Furthermore the college offers a diverse selection of courses for educated personnel.

Our mission is firstly to educate students by developing their professional competences and identity as well as their personal competences.

Secondly to prepare students for further education and to develop and offer courses and educational activities for qualified staff within the social and health care and pedagogic area.

Staff: 154

Learners: 794

Students are employed by the municipality or the region and are paid a salary all through their education. Students do not pay any fee for their education. The age of our students varies from 16 to about 60 years of age. 

The training programme is value based focusing on both professional and personal competences. Their competences must be developed during both periods of school and periods of work experience.

Level of certificate: The training programme is a vocational education programme, placed in: The Danish qualification framework for life-long learning at level 3 (care helpers) and 4 (Assistants).

Expertise for the project:

– research and practice on qualitative self determination oriented practice and language

– new teaching methods on reflecting ability, growing mind-set, life skills